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Book 5

Self-help/personal development

Nonfiction Book (2026)

Personal development and growth book
Personal development book


We All Need Fixing is a personal development and growth book that gives men and women practical ways to become better versions of themselves mentally (mind), physically (body), and emotionally (soul) over time. The pragmatic actions and tips prevent you from relying on or turning to alcohol, cigarettes, street drugs, popping pills, pornography, binge eating, and other unhealthy or destructive behaviors detrimental to your health.

Who's this book for? Open-minded adults, especially ages 42 and under, including: 

  • Growth mindset individuals (self-learners, seek do-it-yourself strategies, motivated but need picker-uppers)

  • New college graduates or career changers

  • Were on the right path but fell off

The publishing for this book is to be determined in 2026.


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